Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The other day I went to see a new film called Animal Kingdom. Crime is not really a genre I'm usually that into. Part of me was a bit put off in the que, but from the moment it started to the gripping finish I was loving it. I know a lot of you guys don't really like Australian films, and yes there are quite a few bad ones, but Animal Kingdom is actually a great one, and being set in Melbourne added that little level of fun of being able to go "omg that's my shopping centre" or "lol that bowling alley isn't open anymore". If you don't see that many films I really think its one of the few that anyone should go an see (unless your under 7, then don't little kids crying in a movie is just annoying).
Peace out bro
Monday, May 3, 2010
Facebook to take on Google?
Not only does Facebook plan to create a new way to search, but also intends on having customised ads all over the web. You know Google also has Google Ad sense, a great tool that places advertisements on the side of websites based on its page contents? Well if everything goes according to plan Facebook ads you see in the side of your Facebook page will now extend to anywhere you go. And instead of being based on what your looking at they will be on the contents of our Facebook page. Lol this is why I have had my relationship status set to engaged for four years. I find receiving ads for wedding cake and photographers so much more cheerful than any of the other ones they offer. But currently these ads are exclusive to when I’m browsing FB.
These plans of Facebook do sound incredibly bold. This is all based on information that has been released by FB themselves. One place however that has kept their lips shut is in fact Google. What a lot of people don’t realise is that the Googolplex (Google HQ) does an awful lot of technological research on a vast area of subjects. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they had something up their arsenal for what is soon to be called the great Facebook vs Google internet wars. Lets just hope none of us get made collateral damage...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Funniest story ever
I'm so sorry to have been away for so long, but GAH uni so much work, so many battles. To make it up to you all i'm telling you about Kate's party. You've probably all seen all the facebook groups refering to it, so this website will explain the story behind it. I honestly fell on the floor with stomach pain because I laughed so hard at it.
Here is what I found on know your meme about it:
This screen was taken fairly early on in the event
Kate’s friend organised a birthday party for her on 1 May 2010 via facebook & posted it as an open event (not know how to privatise it).
Free alcohol wasadvertised & every hour the amount of attending guests doubled & tripled until there were around 80K worth of people claiming they would fly over to Adelaide, Australia just to go to Kate’s party.
This caused a riot of humorous pages & groups to be formed, giving Kate ultimate “facebook fame”.
Many fans changed their display picture to one of Kate, or something Kate related.
Unfortunately the same friend who started the commotion also ended it. She later deleted the event causing thousands of hopes & dreams to be shattered..
Luckily the real Kate (Kate Miller) made “Kates REAL birthday party”, which she didn’t know how to privatise either. There’s significantly less going to this party (around 10K), but it’s still impressive.
During these events private information about Kate was given out by someone on her friends list. This included her personal home address (North St., Adelaide, Australia 5000) & mobile phone number (0425943708 or 0419317446 as two numbers were handed out by a close friend). Poor Kate.
Since then it has also become a meme on encyclopedia dramatica.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Crossways - Our Favourite Hare Krishna Eatery
Crossways is open Monday-Saturday from 11.30 to 2.30. It offers a relaxed, 'loft' environment for dining and clients have the option of reading any of the numerous spiritual texts with their meal. It also has intriguing spiritual paintings that add to the peaceful atmosphere.
All you can eat for:
$5.00 (with Concession Card)
(Plus $0.50 Take-away)
Satay Vegetables & Jasmine Rice
Raisin Halava
Sambar & Brown Rice
Peach Halava
Chickpea/Spinich Subji & Jasmine Rice
Cherry Halava
Malaysian Curry & Brown Rice
Orange & coconut
Thai Curry & Jasmin Rice
Pineapple Halava
Chickpea Subji & Special Rice
Banana Halava
Desserts are served with custard.
Lassi (Yogurt drink)
Be there or be damned,
Mr. Harvey.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cabbieoke again
Thursday, March 4, 2010
181 Domain Cafe' Bar - 181 Domain Road, South Yarra.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cafe' Ray - 332 Victoria St, Brunswick
Cafe' Ray is located at 332 Victoria Street, Brunswick and provides a quintessentially Melbourne feel and relaxed atmosphere to its dedicated band of local regulars (as well as those - like me - that are willing to commute there!). A small range of high quality baked goods are available and not one item ever disappoints.
Yesterday (the 23rd), I ventured to Cafe’ Ray whilst my Mumster and Good Grief were at the supermarket and Spotlight. On this occasion I selected a blueberry, coconut and almond meal tart with a decadent yet light pastry crust. It was distributed evenly with ripe berries and sprinkled with crisp desiccated coconut. The almond meal offered a light cakey texture to the tart centre. At just $3.50 I could enjoy this baked delight on an economic level on top of its perfect sensual properties.
I thoroughly recommend this quiet achieving little cafe’ for any occasion.
Mr. Harvey
La Paloma - 259 Albert St, Brunswick
La Paloma is a favourite cafe’ of mine and is located at 259 Albert Street, Brunswick. As hinted at by its name, La Paloma offers a delicious insight into the culinary culture of simple Spanish food. The wonderfully “no-frills” environment radiates coolness and makes for the perfect scene to enjoy a strong cafe’ latte’. From the terrazzo paved floor, to the soccer paraphernalia and classic tunes being played through the owner’s beloved record player (yes a real turn table!), La Paloma provides an all round enjoyable experience for patrons.
From La Paloma it is just a short walk down Sydney Road to Savers, Don Bosco op-shop, Aldi and episode, amongst numerous other Brunswick icons. To get to this famous cultural epicentre of northern Melbourne all one has to do is catch the Route 19 tram towards North Coburg from Elizabeth Street in the city!
After enjoying one of Melbourne’s best coffees at La Paloma and buying a couple of cans of Aldi tomato soup (my favourite!!) I felt peckish for something in the cake family...
To be continued in the next post (above!)
Mr. Harvey
Monday, February 22, 2010
BACARDI EXPRESS E http://www.bacardiexpress.com.au/Party-Carriage.aspx?trainID=639829198
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Oskawhyte - 1013 High Street, Armadale
Poached on Lygon
The hollandaise sauce was perfect, not to thick but certainly not watery. It tasted slightly cheesy and tangy. The eggs were slightly runny as they should be, and the gypsy ham and muffin were excellent. All in all I would say its a good place to go. Perhaps as a first date brunch, I understand that a lot of people suggest dinner for first dates but I say brunch. I'll post a blog about that later on in the week though.
169 Lygon St, Brunswick East
(03) 9387 2396
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Should smoking be allowed?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pierssene' Bakery, 73 Glenferrie Road, Malvern
Pierssene' Bakery is located at 73 Glenferrie Road, Malvern, just a short stroll from Malvern train station. The warm atmosphere and rustic feel of the establishment is conducive to good eating. It offers an array of classic cakes and pastries – all handmade from scratch – but most importantly does a terrific cup of coffee.
I found myself in the Malvern area after work (as a swimming coach) with my cousin Lachsley once again (a café’ stop is becoming something of a Friday morning tradition of ours). We were both quite drained and in need of a caffeine boost – Pierssene’ seemed the ideal place for this said pick-me-up. The bakery has become something of an institution in the local area, with service lines commonly leaking out the door and down the road in the morning, as commuters flock the streets.
Lachsely and I both snagged a jam donut and a coffee – an unbeatable café’ combo. The donuts were soft and doughy, with the perfect dough:jam ratio, which is crucial! I would rate them up there with the best I have ever had in Melbourne.
I strongly recommend that you stop by Pierssene’ Bakery if you find yourself nearby, however, it is totally worth a special trip!
Remember to become a follower of the blog,
Mr. Harvey
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy B'Day Mr Harvey
Birthday at "Cooper and Milla's Fine Food"!

Monday, February 15, 2010
Vindaloo Against Violence - 24th of February, 2010.
“Vindaloo Against Violence” is an event that is taking place on the 24th of February, the brainchild of Mia Northrop. Mia encourages every Melbournian to go out to their favourite Indian restaurant/eatery to enjoy a meal on this date and show their support for the Indian community in our city. So get out in force! The Facebook event that Mia created has already attracted almost 8000 attendees.
She describes the event as an "easy way for ordinary Melbournians" to:
1) Express their anger and disappointment that racially motivated violence is occurring in their city
2) Embrace and show solidarity with the local Indian community
3) Mount a show of force against the perpetrators of violence.
E and I thoroughly support this great initiative. It is a fantastic way to raise the issue of racially motivated violence in our city in a non-violent and non-disruptive manner. I myself have already made a booking for 8 at my local Indian restaurant.
Visit the link below for the “Vindaloo Against Violence” event page and RSVP:
For further information on “Vindaloo Against Violence” visit the homepage:
The Word of E
The first is that Sandman and myself were not late due to a lack of navigation skills on my behalf. Perhaps Harvey knew this and was just being kind on me. What actually happened was that I buggered up the address. I admit that I was wrong about it, and it was my mistake. For anyone who wishes to visit the Carlton Hotel, it is located at 193 Bourke St, not Brunswick St. I did also pay for the taxi to get us there at around 6.05, so we were only five minutes late. Fortunately Harvs was able to get in as my guest without me being there. Once I arrived there however, I found a most amusing fact. Harvey, who prides himself on never drinking a drop, was in fact drinking an alcoholic lemon lime and bitters, and a fairly strong one at that might I add. In his defense he did not actually know that bitters is a strong spirit.
The Carlton Hotel is a great place to go. For those of you who are like me and do not like beer (although I am working on it), you will be as grateful as I was that they have cider on tap. I had never even heard of such a thing but by golly it was good. We were given four drink vouchers, although I received 8 not 4. Due to Harvey being invited by myself he received only 4. I'm not quite sure, but you could get an actual pint with that, so I was tipsy very soon. I would also like to add that they did give as quite a few more as the night progressed. The only down side to the drinks was that we couldn't purchase them ourselves and cocktails were not on the tab, so I was unable to have one of the Carlton Hotel cocktails that I have heard so much about.
Eventually the sponsor of the evening was revealed, much to my surprise it was Telstra. I have no idea why they kept the sponsor was a secret, but I was expecting it to be some new company. Taxi cabs fitted with karaoke equipment sounded like something I would expect from some over zealous 25 year old to be pitching to Dragons Den, not something being done by a telecommunication company with by far the greatest coverage and speeds in the country. To be honest I'm still a bit confused why the devil they were doing it but I must say it is still a lot of fun.
The song list available was somewhat limited, but I immediately decided on Barbie Girl by Aqua. I love that song and sing along to it all the time. The video of us singing will be put on the web and I'll post a link to it when it’s up. Please vote for us because we can win an XBOX 360 if we win! We will also go into the draw to win a new mobile. We had a blast singing along and driving around whilst doing it was surprisingly fun.
Afterwards we took a cab provided and paid for by Telstra to the Carlton Yacht club on Lygon Street. If a free cab that requires you to sing seems like too much effort then don't worry, the free regular cabs are also on offer in the CBD on late weekend nights, paid for by Telstra. However these are completely random and so won’t be possible to identify.
The Carlton Yacht Club is a favourite spot of mine, although a tad pricey. Shouting Harvey and Sandman each a drink was maybe a bit silly of me. The cocktails are 15 dollars each and a mocktail is about 8. They are completely worth it, and same goes for the drinks ;).
All in all it was a most enjoyable night out and I would recommend just about everything we did. I must confess I am a little bit nervous about how I'll look on the video given I'm sandwiched between a perfectly sculpted blonde and a ruggedly handsome youth, but hopefully we will all be looking so ridiculous it won’t show that much.
Stay posted and we'll have more for you to enjoy later on,
Until next time,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A night of Cabbie-Okie and mocktails
The event was awesome and these Taxis will be driving all around Melbourne for the next five weeks. Anyone is able to hail one of these cabs down and will receive a free ride as long as they sing for their fare! We thoroughly recommend doing so, it was great fun. Things were a little 'squeezy' considering we were all above 6ft 3, however, extremely enjoyable nonetheless.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Excitement and Apprehension
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pretty excited...
Stay watching