I'm so sorry to have been away for so long, but GAH uni so much work, so many battles. To make it up to you all i'm telling you about Kate's party. You've probably all seen all the facebook groups refering to it, so this website will explain the story behind it. I honestly fell on the floor with stomach pain because I laughed so hard at it.
Here is what I found on know your meme about it:
This screen was taken fairly early on in the event
Kate’s friend organised a birthday party for her on 1 May 2010 via facebook & posted it as an open event (not know how to privatise it).
Free alcohol wasadvertised & every hour the amount of attending guests doubled & tripled until there were around 80K worth of people claiming they would fly over to Adelaide, Australia just to go to Kate’s party.
This caused a riot of humorous pages & groups to be formed, giving Kate ultimate “facebook fame”.
Many fans changed their display picture to one of Kate, or something Kate related.
Unfortunately the same friend who started the commotion also ended it. She later deleted the event causing thousands of hopes & dreams to be shattered..
Luckily the real Kate (Kate Miller) made “Kates REAL birthday party”, which she didn’t know how to privatise either. There’s significantly less going to this party (around 10K), but it’s still impressive.
During these events private information about Kate was given out by someone on her friends list. This included her personal home address (North St., Adelaide, Australia 5000) & mobile phone number (0425943708 or 0419317446 as two numbers were handed out by a close friend). Poor Kate.
Since then it has also become a meme on encyclopedia dramatica.